Studies on Mechatronics (151-0640-00)
For the list of current professors offering this course please check here
Focus: Mechatronics
ECTS credits: 5
Category: B.S.
Scope: 5 G
Semester: 5th or 6th semester
Prerequisite: None
Course material: Scientific articles, papers
Testat conditions: t.b.d.
Achievement control: As outlined above: Proposal (20%), Presentation (20%), Report (60%)
Means: n.a.
Duration: n.a.
Language: English / German
Contact points: R. D'Andrea, M. Chli, J. Dual, E. Frazzoli, R. Gassert, L. Guzzella, C. Hierold, M. Hutter, J.W. Kolar, J. Lygeros, B. Nelson (pls. contact Simone Gervasoni,, R. Riener, R.Y. Siegwart, L. Thiele, K. Wegener
Please note: The guidelines for 'Studies on Mechatronics' given on this page apply to projects supervised by Professor Nelson. Other professors may run their projects differently.
A Studies in Mechatronics project is aimed at teaching students how to perform independent research as well as learn more about a focus area that interests them. The students work independently on a study of selected topics in the field of Mechatronics or Microsystems. With the agreement of their supervisor, the student conducts a literature research on their chosen topic. The results (e.g. state-of-the-art, methods) are evaluated with respect to predefined criteria and analysed with their supervisor. Then the results are presented in an oral presentation and summarized in a report.
Student Tasks
Students are required to identify a minimum of fifteen pertinent articles (books, journals, conference proceedings, etc.) in the literature in consultation with their supervisor. These articles pertain to various topics in micro/nano robotics and mechatronics and should represent the core knowledge of the area. After two weeks, students are asked to submit a 2-page proposal outlining the value, state-of-the art and study plan based on these articles. The student will then work towards the final report and presentation. The supervisor will meet with the student at least twice during the semester, aside from the preparation for the final presentation.
A 10 minute presentation is given by the student at the end of the SOM. The presentation is critiqued by the instructor with detailed comments on the substance and effectiveness of the presentation content, and the student's response to questions from the audience. On the last day of the semester the student must submit a written report following the format of a representative journal article.
Topics and supervisor
It is the student's own responsibility to find a supervisor. Supervisors are usually PhD students working on a specific subject area at MSRL, the student can search our team webpage to find a PhD student who is working in their area of interest. Once the student has chosen two or three topics of interest, they are welcome to directly contact the PhD from that subject area. The topic for the SOM is then approved by the Phd student. Due to the number of students working on these projects, places are limited and it may not be possible to grant everyone's request.
Students are required to use these templates: