Alex Mesot

Alexandre Mesot was born in Baden, Switzerland in October 1995. In 2014 he began his B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering at ETH Zürich, which he completed in 2017 with a focus on Biomedical Engineering. Together with a small group of colleagues he obtained the first place at the MAVT Innovationsprojekt tournament in his second semester by building a robot that can scale walls using magnetic attraction to stick to them. Further motivated by his internship at Thoratec in Zürich, where he helped in the development and testing of implantable artificial heart pumps he completed his M.Sc. at ETH Zürich in Mechanical Engineering with a strong focus on biomedical devices and procedures.

Alexandre wrote his masters thesis at the MSRL in 2019 on the development of an automated, magnetically steered laser probe to perform surgery on the retina of the eye. In January 2020, Alexandre joined the MSRL as a PhD student.

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