Ziyu Li

Ziyu Li (1998) was born and raised in Shantou, China. She received her B.Sc. in Biotechnology and Food Engineering in 2020 from Technion-Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, Israel. During her bachelor studies, she completed a research project on developing a curcumin oral delivery system using polymeric nanoparticles, which formed the basis of her bachelor thesis.

She received her M.Sc. in Biotechnology from Wageningen University and Research in the Netherlands in 2023. For her master's thesis, she worked in the chair group of physical chemistry and soft matter, where she developed a delivery model for hydrophobic nutraceuticals using rice protein coacervates as a coating material. After her master's thesis, she spent six months as a research intern at Bether Encapsulates B.V., investigating the effect of protein on the stability of Pickering-stabilized air bubbles.

Inspired by her previous research experiences, she developed a keen interest in the field of interface and colloidal science. She joined the MSRL in October 2024 to pursue her doctoral studies. She is currently a PhD student funded by the SNSF Ambizione project, under the supervision of Dr. Minghan Hu. Her research focuses on devising self-assembly approaches to create colloidal microrobots with multiple functionalities.



Ziyu Li
  • CLA H 11.1

Robotik und Intelligente Systeme
Tannenstrasse 3
8092 Zürich

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