3D Fabrication of Microrobots Using TPP
Direct Laser Writing (DLW) of three dimensional (3D) structures/devices based on two-photon polymerization (TPP) can reach a spatial resolution down to approximate 100 nm (Kawata et al., Nature Vol. 412, pp. 697-698, 2001). The major objective of this research is to design and fabricate microdevices using TPP technology for biomedical applications such as robotic drug delivery and cell manipulation and analysis. In addition, we are investigating different kind of (functional) materials which can be patterned using TPP 3D lithography and have low cytotoxicity.

a) False-colored SEM micrograph of C2C12 cell interacting with horizontal arrays of helical swimming microrobots. Inset: schematic of 3D DLW of a horizontal helix on glass substrate. b) SEM micrograph of a C2C12 cell on spiderweb-like 3D structure.